Educational and entertaining programs and games

Game of letters, numbers and pictures

It is an educational game that works on the Internet, on all desktop, laptop, tablet computers, and all mobile phones connected to the Internet.

The game includes a set of options to display Arabic, Turkish, or English alphabet letters, numbers, or some pictures cut out in an unorganized and non-sequential manner, and they must be rearranged to be in the correct shape and order.

Instructions and playing steps:

1. Open the browser to the game page link on one of the following links:

Or link:

Or short links:

2. The game page will appear.

3. Click on the drop-down menu:

اختر صورة – Select Image – Fotoğraf Seç

The list of options appears:

Numbers, Arabic alphabet, some pictures, English alphabet, Turkish alphabet

4. When you choose the [Numbers]option, the drop-down list appears:

الأبعاد – Dimensions – Boyutlar

This list includes image dimension options:

Number of pieces: {Number of columns × Number of lines}

3 × 3 … … … 10 × 10

As for the rest of the options, the dimensions list does not appear for them, as the number of pieces is fixed:

Number of pieces: {Number of columns × Number of lines}

Arabic alphabet: 5 × 6

Some images: 3 × 3 ……… 4 × 4

English alphabet: 4 × 7

Turkish alphabet: 5 × 6

5. For example, when choosing the numbers option from the options list, with the dimensions: 3 × 3 selected, then pressing the icon:

اختر – Select – Seç

The next page of the game appears; and you must pay attention to the order of the pieces shown here, because what is required is to arrange the scattered pieces that will appear later in this order.

The time taken will appear on the right, and the number of clicks on the left.

6. To start playing, press the icon:

ابدأ – Start – Başla

The next page will appear; In random order of pieces.

7. You can only move the piece that is located to the right, left, top, or bottom of the space {if any}; this is done by clicking on the piece that you want to move, so it moves to replace the space.

8. Continue moving the pieces until you reach the correct order that appeared the first time; then the space will be filled with the correct remaining piece automatically, and it will be possible to enter the name and then save it, and the fewer the number of clicks or moves; the greater the probability of the name appearing at the top of the list.

9. If you cannot complete the game and want to replay it again, or want to change the options; this can be done by clicking on the refresh icon, or refreshing the browser page.